Womens Edition - Everything in Sports Events


June 2023

Tottenham Hotspur Stadium

Tottenham Hotspur Stadium was the host for the 2023 Women’s Edition Conference and did not disappoint.

The conference saw a plethora of amazing speakers take to the stage in the main conference arena covering all topics from the female sporting sector. Opened by The Rt Hon Stuart Andrew MP on day 1 the scene was set for 2 compelling days of debate and discussion.

The Post Show Report can be accessed by clicking on the link below and media coverage can be found on our Insights page.


Facts AND Figures

Ticketing for the event is provided by SeatlabNFT, the NFT ticketing marketplace pioneers that are disrupting the ticketing industry and connecting fans across the globe to incredible event experiences. Never before in history have humans been hungrier to experience new things.

SeatlabNFT has harnessed this next-generation technology to foster a closer connection between event-goers and the events they attend. NFT ticketing enables people to enjoy incredible, immersive experiences before, during and after events.

Part of London 2023